New Home or Older Home?
There are pros and cons to each. While older homes can offer interesting architectural details like higher ceilings, for example, a home with higher ceilings can produce more expensive heating costs. New homes, on the other hand, are likely to be better insulated and more energy efficient. They offer the promise -- but certainly not a guarantee -- of fewer structural and mechanical problems. On the other hand, if you need to buy new draperies and landscaping at the outset, costs quickly can add up.
Don’t forget that the area surrounding new housing developments may not be finished – and when the empty field across the street becomes home to office buildings, the neighborhood could change dramatically. Green spaces and parks may not materialize as promised. Thorough research can help.
Your lender may tell you that you can afford to buy the house you adore, but are you comfortable with the monthly payments you will be obligated to make? Is the down payment within your means? Will you have enough cash to pay transaction costs and moving expenses? If the house needs major repairs, remodeling or redecorating can you save the necessary funds within a reasonable time period?
Size and Configuration
What size house do you need? What is the right combination of bedrooms, bathrooms and other living areas? How much storage is needed? Is a formal space for entertaining important or will more time be spent in the kitchen and family room?
Do you have a priority for a single level home versus a two story? Is central heating or air-conditioning a priority? What directions do the bedrooms and key living areas of the house face? Is there cross-ventilation? If you entertain, is there a bathroom easily accessible for your guests?
What house style suits you best? Modern or traditional? Mediterranean or cottage? Will your current furnishings determine the style of the house you choose? Are there pieces of furniture you own that require space consideration?
Some buyers become enamored with pricey home amenities that seem attractive and desirable at the time, but later prove to be more headache and less pleasure than anticipated. Do you really want a swimming pool? Are you planning on having children? That may mean you will need to enclose the pool or find alternative safety elements. How much landscaping or yard maintenance expenses are you willing to incur?
Resale Potential
On average, people move to a new home every seven years. If you wanted to sell your home, how easy would it be to find a willing buyer? If you are interested in a very customized home, it is important to manage your resale expectations and gauge them against the future market conditions.
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